Funny Acronyms For FBI

Giggle at these funny acronyms for FBI:

  • Full Blown Idiot
    “Look at that guy parking badly, he is definitely a FBI”
  • Fine, Beautiful, Intelligent
    “I find you so sexy, you’re proper FBI”
  • Fucking Brilliant Idea
    “Boss that is an FBI!”
  • Fit But Irritating
    “I fancy this girl but honestly she’s FBI”
  • Funny But Irritating
    “Dave is FBI”
  • Firm Believer in Chocolate
    “I am an FBI person”
  • Fat, Bald, Impotent
    “As much as I love my mate he is so FBI”
  • Female Body Inspectors
    “These bouncers on the door are just sleazy FBI”
  • Federal Bureau of Intoxication
    “Time to turn this house into an FBI ready for the party!”

Suggest your own fun acronyms in the comments section below!


  1. Elijah Alan Hiller says:

    I’m a female body investigator

  2. i’m a fbi female boob inspector

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