Funny Images to Use In Forum Replies Online

If you are a member of an online forum, or maybe even several, it is good to have a stash of funny images you can call on to use in reply to people. They will sometimes do a far better job than you could do with a bit of text.

If somebody is arguing something and it makes no sense, this is a good one to use.

Argument is invalid
Argument is invalid

Rather then simply saying no, a picture of a bear can emphasize your message.

How about no
How about no

Are people hating on your? Let that happen, after all haters are gunna hate.

Haters gunna hate
Haters gunna hate

Stewie Griffin. Enough said.

Stewie Griffin with gun in mouth
Stewie Griffin with gun in mouth

It is no longer about ‘cool story bro’. Its all about the old ladies saying ‘Thats nice honey’.

Cool story brp
Thanks for that nice story

There are always people who pose questions which they could actually just google and get the answer straight away.

Google it forum reply
Google it forum reply

For those times when another user posts something so trivial that nobody else could care less.

Nobody cares
Nobody cares

If someone is acting gangsta, but they are a big softy really, reply with this pug dog.

Pug life
Pug life

When someone uses all capital letters, no need to shout people.

Don't use capitals for every letter
Don’t use capitals for every letter

And if someone doesn’t like your joke in a thread, perhaps they take offense, share this with them.

Cant take a joke
Cant take a joke

Feel free to use them where you want.

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