Why do we say phrases such as “I’m bored out of my tits!”

I heard someone say the other day:

“I was bored out my fucking tits!”

This gentleman is very bored
This gentleman is very bored.
For some reason my instant response was to ponder as to why the hell anybody says phrases like that. I use stupid lines like that myself. These days it is common place, not amongst the older generation but certainly plenty of the younger have these sentences ready to fire when the conversation warrants them.

Thankfully we have UrbanDictionary to help us out when such phrases are splurted from the gob of a 20-something year old. But who comes up with them in the first place?

Other ones Ive heard are:

  • Pissed as a fart.
  • Christ on a bike.
  • Lets get rat arsed.
  • On it like a car bonnet.

I understand ones like “you’re as useful as a nuns tits” because that makes sense. Albeit creating a gross image in ones head. But whoever came up with “pissed as a fart” really has some explaining to do.

Thanks for reading. And please try and avoid said phrases as often as possible.

Image at top of post copyright owned by SXC/nazreth.

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