Best “Knock Knock” Jokes To Tell Your Friends!

Best “Knock Knock” jokes that are easy to memorise!Knock Knock Jokes are often pretty rubbish. Not funny, not clever, nothing. But they can be good to tell to friends just for a giggle!

When you’re drunk they can sometimes seem even funnier! If you’re looking for cheesy jokes that are easy to memorise then this is for you! Here are some of the best knock-knock jokes:

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Abbott who?
Abbott time you answered the door!

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Spit on mish
Spit on mish who?
Ok (then you spit on their shoe)

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Alvin who?
Alvin a great time, how about you?

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Doctor who?

Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Evan who?
Evan you should know who it is

Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Who, who?
You don’t who, owls do!

And now for a festive knock-knock joke:

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Amory who?
Amory Christmas and a Happy New Year!

These are probably some of the best knock-knock jokes out there to tell your friends, so if none of these made you chuckle then there is only one thing to do. Go buy a crate of your favourite tipple, get yourself merry and come back in a couple of hours – then they will be funny!

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